Earlier this month, EPOS received an award for their outstanding contribution to the MCA-Mongolia Health Project on Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Disease and Injuries (NCDIs). While celebrating the overall successes of Mongolia’s $285 million compact with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), the certificate was awarded to Dr. Patrick Krause, EPOS Deputy Managing Director, by MCC Senior Advisor Cassandra Butts.
project, one of six projects within the compact, represented a five-year
$39.1 million investment targeting Mongolians between the ages of 15–64
to adopt behaviors that reduce non-communicable diseases and injuries.
The project worked towards improving medical treatment and controlling
non-communicable diseases and injuries. These activities focused on
increased awareness of risk factors, early detection, and increased
access to efficient interventions. Overall, the MCA-Mongolia Health
Project has made a strong contribution to providing individuals and
communities with more control over their health, and therefore over
their future.
Read a full overview of MCA-Mongolia NCDI Health Project Achievements: http://www.epos.de/sites/epos.de/files/project-publications/mongolia-non-communicable_diseases_project_and_its_achievements.pdf
Read full MCC Official Compact Completion Ceremony Transcript: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/texttrans/2013/09/20130907282393.html#axzz2eOByshjT