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The PFD Group – Washington D.C. Office
Spiros Voyadzis, President of the PFD Group, is responsible for economic policy (including finance), public sector management, IT, rural, urban, regional and municipal development. He is also in charge of projects in social sectors, including human development issues and cultural heritage rehabilitation programs. Mr. Voyadzis brings more than 35 years of experience working in various distinguished functions for the World Bank Group in Washington D.C. and abroad as a staff member, manager, and senior manager. For more details, please click here to view Mr. Voyadzis’ CV.
Anjalee Rutah, Business Development Consultant, brings over four years of experience supporting operational and new business efforts a number of social impact & global development organizations, including internships in program management at the Population Reference Bureau as well as in fundraising & marketing at Care Enterprises Inc., a for-profit subsidiary of CARE USA. Ms. Rutah received her B.A. in Environmental Studies from Colby College where she concentrated in Public Health and minored in Anthropology. Her educational background combined with her previous work history allows for a unique perspective in the field of international business on how to effectively engage with private sector clients, maximize organizational efficiency, and produce sustainable results. Having also participated in the Spring 2020 IHP Climate Change: The Politics of Food, Water, and Energy Justice Program, Ms. Rutah is able to draw on insights from a number of studies and sub-disciplines, such as social anthropology, global public health, and environmental justice, to inform her work.
Additional Associates
Mohamed Cassam, Associate Director, has an MA in Public Administration and is a former senior World Bank official, who specializes in private sector development, privatization, and provides assistance to clients on infrastructure, including water, and particularly energy supply, distribution, and financing issues.
Jean Foglizzo, Associate Director, joined the PFD Group in September 2007. He brings to the group an extensive experience both in the public and private sectors. Over the years, he has developed managerial skills and thorough knowledge of financial management, including on the investment and audit sides. He has also experience in the environmental and communications sectors. Jean previously held managerial positions with the French Ministry of Economy and Finance and represented France on the IMF Board. His international involvement led him to set up and lead the IMF activities in Moscow. He has also been CEO of private businesses and developed various business enterprises. Jean graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique and ENA, Ecole Nationale d’Administration in Paris, France. His interests span a variety of issues; he has published several investment guides for Cameroon, Chad, and Togo.
Janusz Krasowski, Associate Director, brings over 30 years of experience in private and multilateral organizations, having held senior positions at the World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). His experience includes infrastructure and industrial projects financing, agro-business, and renewable energy projects. Mr. Krasowski has substantial experience in structuring credit lines to public and private financial institutions, lending to small and medium enterprises, and financial policy programs. He has additional experience in capital markets, private equity, and venture capital operations. He holds an MBA and Industrial Engineering degrees.
Spyros Margetis, Independent Consultant and Associate Director, has had more than 25 years of experience in a broad spectrum of environmental, urban development, and infrastructure provision issues in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East, as an officer of the World Bank. He is an urban and environmental engineer and economist, with Master’s Degrees in Civil Engineering and Economics. For more than 10 years during his career with the World Bank, Mr. Margetis participated in, and was responsible for, the identification, formulation, preparation, appraisal, supervision, and completion of a variety of projects involving the upgrading, extension, and provision of new infrastructure services (water supply, sanitation, roads, electrification, urban transport facilities), as well as municipal and housing finance in several communities in the MENA region. He was one of the founding members of the World Bank’s Environment Division for Europe, Middle East and North Africa and also was part of the core World Bank/EIB team that prepared the Environmental Program for the Mediterranean and presented it to donors, proposing the launching of the Mediterranean Environmental Technical Assistance Program (METAP).
Gerhard Pohl, Director, joined the PFD Group in July 2013. Dr. Pohl is an economist and engineer with more than 30 years’ experience in business development, project management, and international development, including 25 years at the World Bank. Dr. Pohl has broad geographic experience including in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa. During his time at the World Bank, Dr. Pohl was sector manager for private and financial sector development and advisor to many governments. Dr. Pohl had the privilege to advise the government of China on its path-breaking market reforms during 1984-1987 and has been an advisor to many governments in Europe and Asia during their market reforms during 1990-2000. Dr. Pohl has a Ph.D. in economics and graduate degrees in Public Administration and Engineering.
PFD/TAS Europrojects - Brussels, Belgium
Felipe Prosper, President of TAS Europrojects, Doctor of Industrial Engineering, was General Manager and President of IDOM Engineering & Consultancy for more than 30 years. He is an Associate Professor in the Management Department at IESE and ab advisor of family business.
Jaime Bernis, Managing Director of TAS Europrojects, Civil Engineer, is specialized in infrastructure development, mainly in railways, and regional development as well as in the management of cooperation projects.
Hugo Ruiz de Taboada, Associate Director, Civil Engineer and MBA, is senior consultant in economic development, including regional development, private sector development, privatization and industrial restructuring as well as institutional strengthening projects and project evaluation in the field of cooperation.
María Inés Díaz, Associate Director and Administrator, is a lawyer who works in the field of NGO cooperation and is in charge of real estate developments.
Victor Pou Serradel, Doctor of Law, Economist and MBA, worked for more than 20 years for the European Commission and Counselor of External Relations directorate. He specializes in Social Entrepreneurship and European Affairs.
Marco Antonio Cuevas, Architect, with a BA and Master’s in Urban Planning, specializes in low-cost housing development and mortgage credit. In urban planning, he has participated in projects such as the renovation of the European neighborhood in Brussels.
Emanuele Bozzini, Social Economist, is responsible for business development in TAS and is specialized in the management of project cooperation in the field of institutional building.
PFD Group Turkey
Our partners shown below have extensive experience in international business development, project cycle management, and development finance. They are also fully knowledgeable of the functioning and procedures of the IFIs, as well as in PPPs.
Metin Erdogdu, Partner of PFD Turkey and dgmarket Turkey, is an industrial engineer with an MBA degree from Western International University in Phoenix. He has over 20 years of experience in project financing, real estate and international business development.