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  • June 29-30 2009: The “Dos and Don’ts” Seminar in Thessaloniki and Athens, Greece

June 29-30 2009: The “Dos and Don’ts” Seminar in Thessaloniki and Athens, Greece

Washington, D.C., USA

This is the second phase of the seminar held in October 2008 and sponsored by the Greek Chamber of Commerce. Around 30 Greek companies attended this panel discussion and presentation offered by the CEO of Partnerships for Finance and Development Spiros Voyadzis.

The two-day event was an opportunity to engage a productive dialogue on new approaches, on what a Greek company should do to win contracts funded by the World Bank and the Millennium Challenge Corporation. From FY03 through FY07, the number of contracts for international technical assistance won by Greek companies and funded by the World Bank reached some US$35.93 million in all regions, except in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region (ECA). Therefore, the seminar was considered as a stimulus strategy for Greek companies in order to expand their markets at an international level.