Seminar in Cologne, Germany

Following the Barcelona seminar, Partnerships for Finance and Development, represented by its President, Spiros Voyadzis continues to convey the message among European companies on How to win contracts in the Infrastructure sector funded by the World Bank (WB) and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). About 13 companies attended the very useful seminar conducted by the German Office for Foreign Trade (BFAI).

In 2007, lending by the World Bank Group was a total of $24.7 Million concentrated in 10 sectors: law and justice and public and administration (22%), transportation (20%), water, sanitation and flood protection (12%), health and other social services (11%), education (8%), energy and mining (7%), agriculture, fishing and forestry (7%), finance (7%), industry and trade (5%), and information and communication (1%).

The number of contracts for international technical assistance won by German companies and funded by the World Bank has almost doubled from FY03 through FY07.

In addition, American Congress has appropriated a total of $5.99 billion for FY04 through FY07, under the program of the MCC. Today, 25 countries worldwide are eligible to receive grants from the MCC.

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